One of the primary questions I am asked most often is: Why does cutting your hair, help it grow faster? That doesn’t make sense. At All!
I know that our minds can’t really comprehend this, but here is the secret as to why this is the absolute truth.
SPLIT ENDS! We all have them; and we all need them gone! When split ends are not taken care of by cutting or trimming them, what ends up happening is they continue to split and if your hair is dry do to coloring or the use of hot tools, your split ends will get more split ends, they will get brittle and dry and due to the weakness of your hair it will break off.
If you’re in the process of growing out your hair, a trim every 6-8 weeks will stop the breakage. Allowing your hair to grow without seamlessly. One of the things I ask my clients to take account for is how their hair is doing. So after a haircut, I remind them to set a reminder on their phone and do a hair check. If at 6 weeks, their hair is still bouncy and feeling fresh, then they should check it again at 8 weeks and continue on until their hair is now feeling lifeless or cannot hold a curl. That’s when your hair needs a trim.